narok stats

Cypherpunk Remailers

This is an automatically generated list of remailer reliability statistics. Please see the Interpretation section below for more information. Mixmaster and Version 2 stats are also available.

$remailer{"austria"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen100";
$remailer{"cmeclax"} = "<> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"cracker"} = "<> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord";
$remailer{"disjoint"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop4 klen1000";
$remailer{"dizum"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post klen40";
$remailer{"lcs"} = "<> mix klen1000";
$remailer{"lsd"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt66 rhop20 reord post klen666";
$remailer{"narnia"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt63 rhop2 klen1000";
$remailer{"nitemare"} = "<> cpunk middle pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash repgp ext max test inflt50 rhop20 klen1000";
$remailer{"nym"} = "<> newnym pgp klen1000";
$remailer{"passthru"} = "<> mix middle";
$remailer{"redneck"} = "<> newnym pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"winter"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"xganon2"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 post";
$remailer{"xgnym"} = "<> newnym pgp klen1024";
$remailer{"narok"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt75 rhop3 klen100";
$remailer{"passthru2"} = "<> mix middle";
$remailer{"squirrel"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"matrix"} = "<> cpunk mix middle pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20";
$remailer{"riot"} = "<> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen1024";
$remailer{"segfault"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"shinn"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post klen1024";
$remailer{"farout"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp2 remix reord ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen1024";
$remailer{"freaky"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp2 remix reord ext max test inflt20 rhop5 klen50";
$remailer{"italy2"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen1000";
$remailer{"paranoia"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post klen150";
$remailer{"nycrem"} = "<> cpunk middle pgp pgponly latent ek esub cut hash reord ext max test inflt5 klen12";
$remailer{"citrus"} = "<> cpunk mix middle pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop20 reord";
$remailer{"dingo"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid middle pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen1000";
$remailer{"noisebox"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"rot26"} = "<> mix middle remix esub inflt50 rhop20 reord";
$remailer{"harmless"} = "<> cpunk mix middle pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen50";
$remailer{"randseed"} = "<> mix middle remix esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"frog2"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix2 reord ext max test inflt50 rhop5 klen1024 to5 frname NoSpam";
$remailer{"tonga"} = "<> mix remix esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"w8n"} = "<> cpunk mix middle pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord";
$remailer{"znar2"} = "<> cpunk mix hybrid pgp latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp remix reord ext max test klen1000";
$remailer{"dismix"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 klen100";
$remailer{"cf"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 post";
$remailer{"cracow2"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord klen1000";
$remailer{"havenco"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post";
$remailer{"firstnaz"} = "<> cpunk pgp pgponly latent ek ekx esub cut hash post repgp reord ext max test inflt75 rhop5 klen1000";
$remailer{"aarg"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp pgponly remix latent hash cut test ekx inflt50 rhop20 post";
$remailer{"nullify"} = "<> cpunk mix pgp remix latent hash cut test ek ekx esub inflt50 rhop20 reord post klen1024";

Last update: Sun 4 Nov 2001 00:52:34 GMT
remailer  email address                        history  latency  uptime
austria    ??????#***##    20:28  85.71%
disjoint    ??????#***+*    37:12  85.71%
nitemare        ??????#****#    23:40  85.71%
winter          ??????+****#    29:24  85.71%
squirrel              ??????++*++-  2:32:59  85.71%
riot                 ??????--+-++  4:08:09  85.71%
segfault  ??????#**+**    32:01  85.71%
paranoia               ??????*****+    48:18  85.71%
citrus                    ??????-+++-*  4:18:43  85.71%
noisebox   ??????#***+*    44:57  85.71%
harmless              ??????#****+    38:52  85.71%
frog2    ??????-+++*-  5:04:32  85.71%
dismix             ??????######      :00  85.71%
cf       mixmaster@remailer.cryptofortres ??????******    38:35  85.71%
cracow2            ??????#**+**    28:58  85.71%
firstnaz     ??????++*+*#    53:50  85.71%
nullify   ??????#****-  2:00:06  85.71%
cracker           ??????++ +*+  1:54:39  71.42%
dizum               ?????? **+*#    29:14  71.42%
lsd                 ?????? **+*#    40:41  71.42%
narok       ?????? +*+**    47:53  71.42%
matrix  ??????**-**   2:53:55  71.42%
w8n       ??????++ -++  3:04:53  71.42%
znar2          ??????*++ +-  2:20:31  71.42%
havenco         ?????? +*+**    55:39  71.42%
cmeclax         ??????- ..-  22:37:22  57.14%
narnia          ??????-++-    6:33:08  57.14%
xganon2     ??????####        :00  57.14%
nycrem              ??????----   13:03:21  57.14%
dingo         ??????#*-  +  4:36:39  57.14%
farout         ??????   ---  6:33:33  42.85%
aarg                ??????    **     7:36  28.57%
shinn   ??????       99:59:58   0.00%
freaky            ??????       99:59:58   0.00%
italy2          ??????       99:59:58   0.00%

History: The result of test messages sent for each of the last 12 days.
Latency: The average default response time of the remailer.

Uptime: The fraction of responses received from tests sent in the last 12 days.